Teaching and learning process has made a lot of progress from ancient time to this technical and modern time. The traditional mode of education is now slowly been replaced by the IT. As, IT has various aspects and scopes, It has made education system more easy and practical . Most of the schools, institutions and organizations are adopting the use of information technology for learning and teaching process. In a simple way, we can say IT is defined as the use of computer to study, send retrieve, store and manipulate information which are used in education field. Before IT was only used in business organizations but now its use is getting versatile.

The use of IT is growing rapidly because it has many features and significance. Moreover, IT has unlimited source of information. Internet is filled of lots of teaching and learning materials. Students and learners can easily find the suitable and useful material for their study. Not only that, audio and video are also easily accessible in the internet. Students can easily learn from the available references, e-books, research articles and visuals. It also makes both the teachers and learners easy to understand and better to explain. Use of Information technology facilitates both the teachers and students to teach and learn in their own pace.

More importantly, students can learn themselves without being dependent to teachers. Different creative and technical method are available which enchase the learners capability. Furthermore, many online classes, websites and apps are provided by the use of IT which is the most advanced and easy way to learn and acquire education. Also, Use of information technology in education has become more than just option. As, It has easy access to learning the material. In the modern world, people do not have to visit in classroom to learn. Using IT it is possible for students to keep on learning irrespective of where they are. Students can keep learning even from their home which has greatly enhanced efficiency in education sector.

Likewise, Students are encouraged to learn individually as different people have different ability and way of learning. So use of IT has encouraged students to learn individually in their own way. It also improves the students engagement as technology provides different opportunities to make learning more fun and enjoyable. Students also can practice collaboration skills by getting involved in different online activities. Engaging on different projects gets students an opportunity to cooperate and collaborate with each other. Similarly, it also helps teachers and makes it easy for them to teach and provide different examples and information.

Information technology has greatly evolved the learning and teaching process. As, it provides different materials, informations, references, articles etc. It helps students to learn individually on their own way. Engaging students in learning makes education more fun and effective. IT has great role in it. Not only that, It provides information and also provides proper platform and opportunity to showcase their idea and knowledge. Creativity enhancing and encouraging to use the creativity in different field is also one of the benefit of using Information Technology in education sector. It also increases the curiosity of learning new things in the students. It not only helps in learning but also helps to test their ability and knowledge. Use of IT has great influence in today’s modern education system. It assists both the teachers and students for easy and reliable method of learning and teaching.

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